Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bought Bass Clarinet today

Well after 10 years of mulling whether or not to buy a bass clarinet, I finally took the plunge. I have been looking for a way to get outside of spending all my time on the computer, and thought that a resurrection of my music skill (from high school days, 20 years ago this year....gads how the time flies!), might be in order.

I finally chose:

70696 YAMAHA YCL-221 BASS CLARINET K 1 $1649.00 $329.80
123811 Pomarico Bass Clari BsCL Mpc J 1 $144.95 $28.99
78810 Legere BC275 Bass Clarinet ree 1 $18.99 $3.80
Sales Total
Sales Tax
Shipping & Handling
Order Total
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The really cool thing is that I got 20% off on the whole deal! So you see that I saved $400.00 on the whole package. The second item bears some discussion. I want to learn jazz playing on this clarinet, and have read that crystal mouthpieces make a very bright, jazzy sound. So I picked up the Pomarico (an italian firm that makes fancy mouthpieces). I also am trying another marvel of technology, the 'synthetic' reed. Supposed to last a long time (I hope so, for $18.00/reed!!!!!). Anyway, my cookbook is coming along nicely as well. I worked on Lesson '2' from Adobe Indesign cs3 one on one (a great book btw).

That clinches it.


1 comment:

Alma4 said...

That's awesome Tomas....I din't know you played!

I know exactlly what you meen about spending way to much time on the internet, I think I prefer tv. I always thought tv was "evil" but I'm thinking it's the other way aound.!?
