Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mame arcade cabinet final controls soldered and ready for attaching!

Well, I finally have almost finished my arcade unit. The third / fourth player controls (actually 1 & 2) are soldiered, and tested, Ready for attaching. Kind of strange, since I started this whole mess in October.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reading PDFs on the Mac

Just a quick note. I have re-discovered the wonders of reading PDFs with a program called "TOFU" It makes all pdfs into a news story (e.g. columns etc). Very nice for reading quickly.

My arcade project is almost done, I am getting ready to do the final soldering. Gave a presentation at the local Linux Users Group, which was well received. Don't forget your Normal vga, though when giving presentations at Redhat world headquarters, since they only have 'old' style analog vga.

Oh well.
